Equestrian Olympics is an Olympic-themed game in the style of the Dinosaur Game. When you press the spacebar, the nice little T-rex on your screen will normally jump over the cactus. When you obtain tasty torches on the road, T-Rex will transform into a jockey, racing to the finish line with the highest score. Dino will be prepared for the match by wearing a protective suit and riding a horse.
You can now improve your riding skills and gain experience. Observe and leap over the barricades at the appropriate times. Both the horse and the T-rex will jump with each hop. Very amusing and wonderful! Feel the rush and pleasure of leaping over each obstacle. You can also participate in a variety of other sports, such as Gymnastics Olympics. Let's get started!
How to play
- Click on the screen to start the game.
- Click Space/Up Arrow to control the dinosaur to jump over the barrier.
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