Ball Roll Color 2048
Ball Roll Color 2048 is a stunning arcade game with unique rolling balls. The race of numbers increases the challenge many times over. Players must find a number with the highest value to reach the finish line. Similar to the way of merging in the classic game 2048, in this game, the order of the numbers will also increase in the same order.
Start with a ball of a certain value, usually number 2 or 4. Gamers direct the entity to roll left or right of the main track to avoid obstacles and make the ball bigger. Only identical values can merge and create larger numbers. The highest score you can get when reaching the finish line is 2048. How to create it depends on your wise strategy and top skills.
How to play
Ball Roll Color 2048 currently has up to 256 levels for players to challenge. The difficulty of these rounds will range from simple to almost impossible to conquer. The player can move the mouse so that the object creates a force that pushes objects of the same value together before collecting the same number. New levels will immediately open when players reach the finish line in the previous round, regardless of the entity's value.